Cloud DNS

This domain is registered for one of our customers.

If this is your domain name, please visit this page to see how to register it as DNS zone into your account.

Note: If you already have registered the DNS zone for your domain name, please wait for DNS propagation. Your web site will be displayed soon. It may take few minutes.

* Do you know what the FQDN is?

Suggested article from our blog: What is FQDN? What does FQDN do?

FQDN, what is it?

Fully Qualified Domain Name is the absolute domain name, showing the precise location in the DNS hierarchy tree. The most common elements FQDN has, on the left the hostname, followed by the domain and last the top-level domain.

FQDN example.

For the purpose of showing, let’s see Here clearly, we can see the 3 elements. The first part is www. the domain name is youtube and the TLD .com.

To do a FQDN lookup is very easy. You can do it on macOS, Linux, or Windows 10. Just see the example here.